Give ongoing support

Give ongoing support Once your offshore team has commenced, we will work with you to continually improve their performance and to deal with any HR issues that might arise from time to time. Our assistance will include: setting key performance indicators (KPIs) modifying position descriptions providing information to assist with reviews. We will report to […]

Orientate you and your new staff

Orientate you and your new staff As soon as you have chosen your offshore staff, we will arrange a time for your comprehensive orientation program. We recommend that all managers likely to be directly or indirectly dealing with the offshore staff participate in the orientation program. Facebook Twitter Reddit LinkedIn

Find your staff

Find your staff We believe recruitement is the most important step of the process. Depending on your staffing needs we will either have someone suitable and available on our TeamStaff list or we will recruit the right staff member for your needs. If we have someone available, they will be a highly skilled person who we […]

Set your budget

Set your budget We use the staffing plan to develop a detailed offshoring budget for you. staff remuneration benefits our service fee set-up costs. We base the direct labour costs on our experience of the Filipino labour market. The final cost will depend on the actual staff you select to have working for you. Facebook […]

Define your staffing requirements

Define your staffing requirements Together we work out what you need. your operational requirements and your resulting staffing needs number of staff required skills and experience detailed job descriptions. You might already know a lot of this information, but we help you pull it together. We’ll also explain the Filipino labour market. Facebook Twitter Reddit […]

Finance & Accounting

Finance & Accounting Finance and accounting are 2 of the most sought after careers in the Philippines. More and more individuals are seeking to strengthen their quality of living by exploring these studies. The Philippines has a society that is in general fluent in the English language and also has a proficiency in accounting from […]

Outsourcing & Offshoring

Outsourcing & Offshoring The two terms are often intertwined but specifically outsourcing refers to the hiring of a third party team to accomplish a certain project or target whereas offshoring provides you with a selected individual or tem that you can manage from afar to handle tasks for you. Both have advantages but with offshoring […]

Workplace System & Facility Management

Workplace System & Facility Management Our enforced workplace system and facility management was created keeping your security in mind. From our physically provided workplace to the equipment we use, everything has been arranged to ensure a proper and productive working environment. Our facility management includes support services from janitorial to security. We’re also on top […]

IT Networking & Connectivity

IT Networking & Connectivity Connectivity is ensured through our partner in communication, Telstra. Our offshore staff will be equipped with high speed connectivity. We have the proper security measures in place to protect your data and our process ensures continuous protection. Communicating with your staff is much more convenient and easier with our VOIP services […]